Thursday, July 02, 2009

Morning Day 2 round 2.. LOL

Hey Hey Friends!!

Well I slept for 12 hours straight - those of you that know me - knows that equals me being SICK.. LOL I am at work - have somethings that MUST get done - Hoping for a EARLY Release.

I didn't manage to do my Oxycise this AM - Did do the H20! But did read the bible - Proverbs 4-7. Will come back later and post my high point from today's reading.

Ok - let me get busy here - have a BLESSED Day - Prayers that I am feeling BETTER soon - have painting to do!!

Hugs and Love, M

1 comment:

M McCown said...

I am glad you got some rest, but don't get all 'motivated' and go crazy :D Take care of yourself...everything else is secondary. K?